Engaging the Masses in the 
Great Adventure of Holy Mass

"The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew."
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium

The Beginning: Mass Impact Ohio
Against the backdrop of dramatically declining mass attendance and general faith engagement (77,000 of 330,000 Catholics), and a long season of parish restructurings, the “beta model” promised to transform a parish into a vibrant community of intentional disciples within five years, and be an occasion for exponential expansion to other parishes. This “Level 5 Parish” concept involves a 3-5 year growth cycle per parish.

Within one year the model demonstrated it’s impact by engagement of a beta parish in the Level 5 growth cycle (St. Joan of Arc), and demonstrated its capacity for the flame to be fanned by engaging four other areas throughout the diocese (including two deaneries), comprising 24 parish communities. It continues to spread.

It's all about the transforming power of Jesus Christ. The Logos at the heart of logistics. Relationship at the heart of ritual. A Holy Communion we receive corresponding to a Holy Community we live.  

More than a moment, a movement. One state on the way. One world to go.


Mass Impact Team:  William Adamiak, Irene Bland, Anne Cook, Nicholas De La Torre, Carol Fox, Robert Geiger, Melissa Heichel, Renee Marazon, Patrick Rall, Andrew Reinhart, Greg & Stephanie Schlueter, Steve Toth & Matt Yeager

Mass Impact Pastoral Advisors:  Msgr. William Biebel, Fr. Mike Dandurand, Fr. Doug Garand, Fr. Adam Hertzfeld, Fr. Jason Kahle, Fr. Roger Landry, Fr. John Miller, Fr. Mike Najim, Fr. Dave Nuss, Fr. Matt Radar, Fr. Robert Reed, Fr. Larry Richards, Fr. Eric Schild, Fr. David Sizemore, Fr. Chris Singer, Fr. Bob Stec, Fr. Rich Toohey

(814) 449-8808